One secondary storage solution for all your data.


The Big Picture: Your cloud strategy may consist of some of the same problems you faced when your infrastructure was completely on-premises. Disparate silos of data for test-dev, different applications, remote offices, different datacenters, data backup, archive. In this short video learn how Cohesity consolidates all of it...whether on-prem or in the cloud, remote offices or centrally located into a single software defined Google-like architecture. With global de-dupe it's not only an elegantly simple solution, it's highly efficient as well.

Mike Matchett:                  Hi, I'm Mike Matchett with Small World Big Data. I here today with Lynn Lucas from Cohesity, she's the Chief Marketing Officer. We're gonna talk a little bit about what Cohesity's doing, especially around the cloud and some new use cases that people are putting Cohesity into and extending secondary storage from where it was, to all sorts of great new applications and like I said, use cases on how you're tiering and storing and doing other things. So, welcome Lynn.

Lynn Lucas:                           Hey Mike, great to be with you, thanks.

Mike Matchett:                  So, first of all for people who don't know that much about Cohesity, what's just the elevator pitch, what is Cohesity building and bringing to market?

Lynn Lucas:                           Yeah sure. So in a nutshell, Cohesity is a new Google inspired software defined platform for consolidating all your secondary storage silos. People think of secondary only as backup, but it turns out that you've got a lot of silos that are also associated with files and objects, with test dev, with analytics. With Cohesity, you can put that all on one hyper converged platform, one console, one management, one set of infrastructure, completely revolutionizes how people manage their secondary data and workloads.

Mike Matchett:                  When we talk about secondary storage in the old days, we meant a rack of nodes in the data center, and that's not true anymore, right? This is something that you can deploy in a couple of ways.

Lynn Lucas:                           Yeah, that's right. So, you're right, that's the way we use to think about it, but if you think about it today, most customers are well into their cloud strategy and honestly, a lot of folks move to the cloud because of these silos and inefficiencies in their on-premises data center. But, what's going on is actually, many are finding they're creating these same sets of silos in the cloud. So, Cohesity was born with a cloud native approach. That means that we span the private cloud, the public clouds, and your remote office branch office, all with the same software platform and give you that ability to consolidate those silos, really reduce your cost both in terms of your man power, but also of your storage cost because of the incredible storage efficiency with our global deduplication and the compression. In the cloud, we're finding that customers are seeing these same kinds of efficiencies and they need them because frankly, who's not moving to the cloud for many use cases today?

Mike Matchett:                  All right, so let's talk about those cloud use cases and by the way, very comfortable with Cohesity, scaling. I did a project for you guys a couple months ago and we scaled Cohesity to 500 nodes and it didn't even slow down at that point, right? It wasn't that we couldn't go farther, it was that we just didn't have time to go grow that bigger, so just it almost, it's a near infinite scalability and really able to take on those biggest global distribute challenges. So, when we move from an on-premise use of secondary storage to a cloud use of storage, what are we really talking about, what's the first thing people do when they adopt cloud with this?

Lynn Lucas:                           Yeah, and great question, and by the way, thank you for doing that work for us. The first common use case that we see, is that people will want to do long-term retention and archiving in the cloud. So they're backing up their data with Cohesity, on-premises and now, want to move it to Azure or to AWS for that long-term retention. Really makes sense to put that in the cloud these days, colder storage, less expensive, but much more easily accessible, and you can retrieve that back to the original Cohesity, on-premise, or to any other cluster that you've set up.

Mike Matchett:                  This is different than a cloud gateway now, because you're actually running Cohesity in both locations, right?

Lynn Lucas:                           Exactly, so we call the underlying technology, which is really a web scale distributed file system, we call that SpanFS. Why is it Span? Well it seamlessly spans the public cloud and your private cloud environment and creates this consistent operational layer and a consistent set of infrastructure. So, to the admin, you're looking at one console, and you are managing all of this data like, it's all on-premises, but really it could be in a combination of your public cloud and your private data center. We see customers too, that I'd reference, Manhattan Associates, University of California, Santa Barbara, ones using Microsoft Azure for long-term retention and archiving other ones using Amazon. So we work in the two most popular public clouds today.

Mike Matchett:                  Which is great because there's a multi-cloud story there. I just want to finish up on these use cases. So, we know you can also do storage tiering, that's a fairly common thing, and because it's Cohesity on both ends of this pipe, you can look at test in [dev 00:05:12], workloads, accessing that same copy of the data from the cloud side as on-prem. But, then tell me about that sort of next generation use case.

Lynn Lucas:                           Yeah. So a lot of companies are really trying to create, and it gets talked about a lot of course is, hybrid clouds. So with Cohesity, you can really easily establish your hybrid cloud. So Cohesity Cloud Edition, runs again, in AWS, or Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud shortly, and it allows you to create a true hybrid cloud environment. So what we see customers doing, is in the cloud they may spin up a test in [dev 00:05:53] purposes and use that for their development and then bring that back on-premises and again, using that single Cohesity management interface to make that very simple. Shortly, a sneak preview, you're gonna be seeing us announce the ability to do backup of cloud native applications, also with the Cohesity Cloud Edition. So, we think that we're really covering both today's common use cases and helping customers be prepared if they're not already there for the future.

Mike Matchett:                  Well I'm glad you gave away that preview and not me because you're the CMO, you can do that. But, thanks Lynn, I look forward to talking to you when you get to those announcements and getting those out there. Thank you for being here today.

Lynn Lucas:                           Great, great to be here with you Mike.

Mike Matchett:                  Thank you for watching, check in with us often, and we'll be talking to more about Cohesity I'm sure as we go along. Thanks for checking in, I'm Mike Matchett with Small World Big Data. Take care.
