
Accelerate Power Users Anywhere

04/15/2020 13:00:00 - 04/15/2020 14:00:00 -

Date: April 15, 1pm ET

Virtual workstations empower organizations to deliver the most demanding applications from a centralized, secure, and optimized cloud or data center. Power workers using CAD, visualization, and simulation applications have long required dedicated, local workstations for performance. But today's power users increasingly want to be in motion, computing on their choice of devices. At the same time, their hungry applications and critical datasets have grown to the point where simple tasks can take minutes, if not hours, while data compliance and data protection concerns have only become more intense. Power workers deserve a powerful cloud-like architecture that can serve up their high-end compute, data, AND graphic processing needs on demand. To this end, Cisco and NVIDIA have teamed up to deliver the world’s most powerful virtual workstations. These virtual workstations provide native workstation performance that is accessible to power users on any device, anywhere.

Join us on April 15 @ 1pm ET or this informative webcast to learn more about the new virtual workstation built on Cisco UCS and HyperFlex (HCI) infrastructure, natively integrated with NVIDIA Quadro Virtual Data Center Workstation (Quadro vDWS) software and NVIDIA GPU’s.

We're also giving away ten (10) $100 Amazon Gift Cards during the event!


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