
Powering Up Productivity

07/14/2021 13:00:00 - 07/14/2021 14:00:00 -

Virtual desktop solutions solve thorny IT challenges in delivering important business apps to distributed users. But power users need to run more powerful applications than desktops were designed to support. And with the advent of AI/ML-infused solutions, rich media and video-centric apps, and real-time on-line collaboration, more and more users are moving into that power user category. Wherever they work, technology-driving users want their serious expert applications available "locally"—whether they use advanced data analytics and visualization, 3D simulation/CAD, medical imaging, or high-quality media production.

Today's virtual workstations, powered by advanced GPUs, have become a power user's dream platform that they can now leverage anywhere—in the office, at home, or on the road. Backed by cloud-like resources pools, virtual workstations can even outperform dedicated workstations, and the powerful applications they run are at the user's fingertips wherever the user goes.

Join us on July 14 @ 1pm ET as Small World Big Data's principal analyst, Mike Matchett, explores how to maximize productivity for your growing pool of tech-driven experts. He’ll be joined by Cisco Virtual Workstation expert Bryan Hilton and  Paul Williams, Director of Service Delivery at Ebb3, specializing in providing end-user computing solutions for advanced power-hungry clients. We'll talk about the details of efficient but powerful virtual workstation architectures, the use cases and apps that today's power-hungry users need, and best practices for optimizing productivity while working from anywhere.

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