
Don't Muddle with Multiple Clouds

01/28/2021 13:00:00 - 01/28/2021 14:00:00 -

One of the biggest challenges in IT today is mastering exploding cloud usage. Getting hybrid infrastructure to integrate and work reliably, and ensuring top security and SLAs across multiple clouds, is getting more complex every day. Piecing things together as they come along is just not working.

When it comes to doing cloud right, you need to have a solid multi-cloud framework on which to build. Cisco and HCL have been strategically working together on almost everything IT from data center to edge for over 24 years. Now, that joint partnership has produced HCL VelocITy, a true multi-cloud framework powered by world-class Cisco technologies at every layer. HCL VelociITy delivers a model “reference architecture' that helps rapidly achieve six major cloud use cases that IT needs to address today for Hybrid / Multi cloud environments. 

Join us on January 28, 2021 @ 1pm ET as industry analyst Mike Matchett explores the multi-cloud IT challenges and the joint HCL Cisco architecture designed to beat them. We'll be talking with Piyush Saxena of HCL and Carlos Pereira of Cisco to dive under the hood of what multi-cloud really means, what opportunity it offers, and how to best take advantage of it!


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